Sunday, April 22, 2012

Episode 4


A  O.K. Craftalong!! 
Start Date: April 22    End Date: June 30
1. Must be a member of the Positively Knitting Podcast group on Ravelry
2. All items must be knitted with Acrylic or a yarn withAcrylic content.
3. Enter as many items as you like in the pic-only thread for the Craftalong.. Please post a separate pic for each item if you wish.
4. Items can be started prior to April 22 but must be completed between MAY 1 - JUNE 30.


Pom Pom Peds
Bev's Newborn Roundie

Hats of Hope

Moonie Knits


  1. i love the letter A and your cute blooper at the end :)

  2. *hangs head* I've been behind in your podcasts(SORRY!) but it must have happened for a reason cause I am sooo needing to see your fun and positive spirit in this podcast today Nicole! I literally have happy tears from laughing at how fun and cute you are in this! :)
    Oh my heeeeeellll! I LOVE this episode! You do an awesome job with the "A". Really a quite creative way you accomplished your segway to your craft-along. :)I love that it's a 2 month craftalong as well! YAAAAAAAAAY! :D
    The Chadwick you've completed is really pretty. Nice job!:)
    I hope you have been having a fabulous weekend! :)
